Spring 2015 DH Certificate Courses

…Internet broke it into fragments. Social media shrinks the mass farther while Facebook grows ever larger. What is evolving? Special Topics in Journalism: Introduction to Digital Reporting 50:570:395 Capuzzo This course will explore the rapidly emerging market of on-line media and what it takes to be a journalist in today’s…

Fall 2019 Courses

TRUTH AND LIES IN A DIGITAL WORLD 50:209:110 TTH 11:00-12:30PM Brown This course addresses the problem of misinformation, propaganda, “fake news,” and the verification of truth in digital environments. It introduces students to how multiple fields and disciplines approach these questions, the historical roots of these problems, the unique challenges…

Digital Studies Courses – Spring 2024

…We will read and discuss examples of both kinds of digital research in anthropology, sociology, childhood studies, and related fields. Students will also develop their own digital research projects through a series of in-class workshops. 50:209:301 Video Game Design This class serves as an introduction to video game production with…

DSC Equipment Check-out Form

[form equipment]…

Digital Studies Courses – Spring 2022

…in offline settings, such as hospitals and classrooms. We will read and discuss examples of both kinds of digital research in anthropology, sociology, childhood studies, and related fields. Students will also develop their own digital research projects through a series of in-class workshops. 50:209:250 Choose Your Own Adventure TTH 9:35-10:55AM…