2018-2019 Fellows

indie game collective, Oat & Noodle Studios, in NYC.           Sayan Bhattacharyya Sayan Bhattacharyya is currently Lecturer in the Humanities at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, and 2018-19 Digital Studies Fellow at Rutgers University, Camden, USA. His research focuses on digital humanities and on

Events News

Well Played: Dokapon Kingdom

Join us Wednesday , September 16 at 12:15 in the ModLab (Fine Arts 215) for a Well Played session of Dokapon Kingdom, a role playing game that Atlus USA has promoted as “friendship destroying.” Preventing fellow players from progressing is a significant part of gameplay, and this Well Played session

Voices of Immigration

Why Some Racial Groups Are More Vulnerable.” BBC Future, BBC, www.bbc.com/future/article/20200420-coronavirus-why-some-racial-groups-are-more-vulnerable. Stephanie Soucheray | News Reporter | CIDRAP News | Aug 14, 2020. “US Blacks 3 Times More Likely than Whites to Get COVID-19.” CIDRAP, 14 Aug. 2020, www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2020/08/us-blacks-3-times-more-likely-whites-get-covid-19. Survey: International Students’ Main Concerns Center on Issues of Health, Safety


Summer 2015 DH Courses

climate events through twitter or instagram, working with contemporary world climate data, or tracking and analyzing the rise of the language of climate change through Google Ngrams. Special Topics in American Studies: Race and the Digital Instructor: Asha Best asbest@scarletmail.rutgers.edu Summer 2015 Online Course 7/6-8/12 This writing intensive course is

2017-2018 Fellows

and procedural generation. An alumnus of the Rutgers University Graduate School–Camden, Travis earned his master’s degree in English in 2014. That same year, he received the James Sanderson Graduate Award, which is awarded to the student who wrote the best graduate paper in the previous academic year.