Digital Studies Courses – Spring 2022

at least 30 hours per credit/100 hours for 3 Credits. 50:209:401 Digital Studies Capstone Hours by Arrangement Emmons Required of all students in the Digital Studies program, the capstone course involves working with a faculty advisor on a digital project designed and executed by the student. Students are also required

Digital Studies Courses – Fall 2022

least 30 hours per credit/100 hours for 3 Credits.   50:209:401 Digital Studies Capstone Hours by Arrangement Emmons Required of all students in the Digital Studies program, the capstone course involves working with a faculty advisor on a digital project designed and executed by the student. Students are also required

Spring 2020 Courses

designed and evaluated experience under supervision of intern adviser. Commitment of at least 30 hours per credit/100 hours for 3 Credits. Emmons DIGITAL STUDIES CAPSTONE 50:209:401 Hours By Arrangement Brown and Emmons Required of all students in the Digital Studies program, the capstone course involves working with a faculty advisor


and forgotten historic and archaeological sites. Listen to Philadelphia’s unfolding story and imagine the shock of finding 18th century jail cells under an Old City retail shop. Visit the condo unit built on top of a 19th century cemetery and hear from the archaeologists that excavated nearly 500 graves. The

2015-2016 Fellows

  Meredith Bak Meredith researches historical and contemporary toys and children’s new media from the nineteenth century to the present. She is at work on a book manuscript examining the role of pre-cinematic optical toys in cultivating children as modern media spectators. Fellow Research: As a Digital Studies Fellow, Bak