2016-2017 Fellows

…Curiosities in Harper Lee’s Novel (University of Tennessee Press, 2011), The Myth of Persephone in Girls’ Fantasy Literature (Routledge, 2011), and edited volume 100 Years of Anne with an ‘e’: The Centennial Study of Anne of Green Gables (University of Calgary, 2009). Her forthcoming monograph titled Alice to Algernon: Child…

Digital Studies Courses – Spring 2022

…Donato Digital poetry is an emerging field that explores the interactions between texts produced in conjunction with other media, including visual art, sound art, games, installation art, video, and live performance. In this project-oriented workshop, we will create and workshop texts that converge with other art forms; for example, poems…

2017-2018 Fellows

Abraham Avnisan is an experimental writer and new media artist whose work is situated at the intersection of image, text, and code. Each of his projects appropriates and transforms a key 20th century text that challenges us to reconsider the most fundamental ways in which we understand ourselves and the…

Digital Studies Project Archive

…Public Policy and Administration http://danley.camden.rutgers.edu/news/ http://camdenpolicy.wikispaces.com/The+Camden+Policy+Project Self and Identity Digital Studies Flipped Class James Genone, Department of Philosophy and Religion The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia Zotero Integration Charlene Mires, Director, Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities, Department of History https://www.zotero.org/groups/encyclopedia_of_greater_philadelphia Digital Storytelling and Book Trailers Lauren Grodstein, Department of English…

U R Here: A Festival of Digital Language Art

…editing concepts, production techniques, and developing critical listening. Break and box lunch 11:30am-12:30pm Creative Writing with Rules and Computation: No Programming Required Allison Parrish 12:30pm-2:00pm Mainstream attention on computer-generated text focuses on its supposed ability to supplant the professional writer. In this workshop, we’ll learn the truth: computer-generated text can…