Digital Studies Courses – Fall 2022

…and the world. The course breaks down the fundamentals of game design as art, as well as enactions of theory, resistance, and expression, providing us with a vocabulary and critical understanding to enable us to both analyze and compose. The class will disassemble games and look at their fundamental building…

Events News

Hyperrhiz: Kits, Plans, and Schematics

Join us October 15, 4pm-6pm in the ModLab (Fine Arts, Room 215) for the opening of an art exhibition entitled “Kits, Plans, and Schematics.” The exhibition will also serve as the launch of the Fall 2015 issue of the online journal Hyperrhiz. As the maker movement has infiltrated the academy,…


…fellows can propose online courses. Fellows have the option of teaching and conducting research in a single semester or may elect to split their activities between semesters in an academic year. Applications are typically due in February. Digital Studies Fellows Application Information Digital Dispatches In the interest of cultivating a…

Fall 2019 Courses

…major in Digital Studies COMPUTATIONAL THINKING 50:209:230 TTH 9:35-10:55 AM DuBose How do we use computation to solve problems? What kinds of problems are solvable with computation, and what kinds aren’t? This course offers students both practical and theoretical experience with computer programming. No previous programming experience is required.Required for…

Major & Minor

…to explore digital worlds, such as the digital worlds that make up popular online games. It can also refer to using digital tools, such as audiovisual equipment and smart phones, to do research in offline settings, such as hospitals and classrooms. Students read and discuss examples of both kinds of…