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U R Here: A Festival of Digital Language Art

November 3-4, 2017 Rutgers University—Camden Writers House 305 Cooper Street Camden, NJ 08102 This event is free and open to the public. Registration Form Schedule FRIDAY Coffee + Welcome Claire Donato and Jeff T. Johnson 9:30-10:00am New Defaults Laurel Schwulst 10-1:30pm (including 11:30-12 coffee/snack break) Where does “Lorem ipsum,” the…

Events News

Shoot, View, Play: A Study of the GameBoy Camera

On May 1, The Rutgers-Camden Digital Studies Center will officially launch the Rutgers-Camden Archive of Digital Ephemera (R-CADE). The R-CADE is a collection of hardware and software made available to scholars for research purposes. Unlike many archives, the R-CADE does not necessarily aim to preserve these artifacts, at least not…


Annotation Swarm: A Conversation About Ethical Programs

…our virtual doorsteps. This makes it an ideal text to annotate using, a platform which invites people from around the world to collaborate and discuss online texts. As with all Digital Culture books, the University of Michigan Press has made the full text of the book available for free…

Spring 2017 Digital Studies Courses

…on the pillars of great game design, the purest form of which is the physical game. Be it a sport, board game, or paper prototype, building a game without a computer is the best way to explore game design itself, without code or bugs getting in your way. – Making…