
The Digital Studies Center Presents a Special Screening of Hit and Stay

…with many of the participants, as well as observers ranging from political critic Noam Chomsky to historian Howard Zinn. As the activists went to prison or underground, tangled with the FBI, they ultimately helped change America’s mind about the war. Not Rated, 97 minutes. Q&A to follow. More info:…

Digital Studies Project Archive

…Public Policy and Administration Self and Identity Digital Studies Flipped Class James Genone, Department of Philosophy and Religion The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia Zotero Integration Charlene Mires, Director, Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities, Department of History Digital Storytelling and Book Trailers Lauren Grodstein, Department of English…


…technologies shape young people’s attempts to transform conditions of illness and injustice. His courses include: Digital Research Methods, Digital Youth Cultures, and Youth Activism and Art. His work has been published in Journal of Urban Health, Medical Anthropology, Global Studies of Childhood, Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry and multiple edited volumes….

Fall 2019 Courses

…and digital technologies. How have young people contributed to the rise of the digital? And how, in turn, have digital technologies shaped young people’s worlds, bodies, and lives? The course explores a range of issues related to these themes including the emergence of massive multiplayer online games and the gaming…

2019-2020 Fellows

…collections curatorial assistant. She writes about affect, game design, and the embodiment of illness/health. She cares for the capture and communication of the experiential and explores this through media documentation of her own body’s dis/abilities. Recently, Jana made a sleepwalking poetry bot born of mourning @nocturn_s, had a poem about…