Spring 2018 DS Courses

…The valuing of these principles has been integral to the development of political and social activism online. These principles have also served as a primary defense for trolling, revenge porn, and cybermobs engaging in harassment. This class will explore the historical development of these values online and their relationship to…


…Studies Major Sora Kiwor, 2020 Animation Major, Digital Studies Minor Milosz Krupinski, 2020 History and Digital Studies Major, Marketing and Communications Minor Christopher Till, 2020 Computer Science Major Kimberly Van Exel, 2020 CCIB Major Devyn Cobb, 2021 English and Digital Studies Thomas MacPherson, 2023 English Madona Soliman, 2023 English  …


Summer 2015 DH Courses

…climate events through twitter or instagram, working with contemporary world climate data, or tracking and analyzing the rise of the language of climate change through Google Ngrams. Special Topics in American Studies: Race and the Digital Instructor: Asha Best asbest@scarletmail.rutgers.edu Summer 2015 Online Course 7/6-8/12 This writing intensive course is…

Spring 2017 Digital Studies Courses

…sound installations, remixes, mash-ups or video games. The course will begin with a theoretical and critical examination of media to prepare for their own digital media creations. 50:192:301:02 Videogame Design Prof. Nash TTH 11:00-12:20AM This class serves as an introduction to video game production, with a focus on game design…

Spring 2020 Courses

…comics, electronic literature, sound installations, remixes, mash-ups or video games. The course will begin with a theoretical and critical examination of media to prepare for their own digital media creations. VIDEOGAME DESIGN 50:209:301 Online Rosinski This class practices exploration and creation of systems of meaning and knowledge in fictional and…