Digital Dispatches Application

In the interest of cultivating a broad, interdisciplinary community of scholars interested in digital studies, the DSC offers financial support for Rutgers-Camden faculty and students who would like to attend and/or present at conferences that take up digital technologies from various disciplinary angles. Those receiving support are asked to develop…

Events News

Vinicius Marquet’s “Tell Me a Secret” Workshop

…A Matter of Bits” exhibition in the Stedman Gallery, will lead this workshop as part of an experience-sharing project between communities. Participants will graphically depict secrets shared by people in the Netherlands. At the end of the workshop, participants will be invited to anonymously share their own secrets in order

U R Here: A Festival of Digital Language Art

…artworks? In this hands-on workshop we will explore these questions by collaborating both with machines and with each other in order to write our very own algorithmic poetry generator. Participants will be introduced to coding with JavaScript using the open-source creative coding platform p5.js. No prior technical knowledge is required…

Spring 2017 Digital Studies Courses

…to Overwatch, we will disassemble games and look at their fundamental building blocks: the mechanics, procedures, and systems that shape the players’ experiences and emotions. This class combines several assignment types to give a broad, realistic sense of what it takes to make a video game: – Studying existing games…

Spring 2020 Courses

…designed and evaluated experience under supervision of intern adviser. Commitment of at least 30 hours per credit/100 hours for 3 Credits. Emmons DIGITAL STUDIES CAPSTONE 50:209:401 Hours By Arrangement Brown and Emmons Required of all students in the Digital Studies program, the capstone course involves working with a faculty advisor…